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Litter Training your Pets: A Guide

16 Apr 2023

Most of us love our pets, but we don't always enjoy the smell of their waste. So, we've devised a solution that works for all parties involved: litter training your pets! We've taken some time to put together this guide on how to train your pets (and yourself) to use the litter box and keep it clean.

Get a Litter Box
The first step is to get a litter box that's right for your pet. Your cat or dog needs a large container to accommodate them and deep enough to dig when covering up their waste. If you have an older pet, it's also important to make sure that the surface of their litter box is non-slip, so they don't fall in when digging around in it.
Litter boxes are typically made from plastic or metal, but some people prefer other materials like cloth or cardboard—just make sure whatever material you choose is sturdy enough not to be torn apart by your pet! When purchasing a new litter box, ensure there are no sharp edges or slippery surfaces like those found on plastic models (this will help prevent injury).
Get Their Attention
To train your dog or cat to use a litter box, and you need to catch them in the act of doing their business. If they're not used to your being around when they go outside, try closing yourself in with them while they are out of the box and get their attention by making some noise—but don't scare them! Once they start going, scoop them up gently and place them inside their new bathroom (or wherever you want them to go). Then give them a treat as soon as their paws are off the ground.
If this goes well for both of you, repeat it repeatedly until she learns that it's time for her bathroom break when she sees you pick up the shovel!
Once your toilet-trained pet poops or pees outside his litter box on accident (this will happen), don't punish him for mistakes—just reward him for successes! He must know what behavior is expected from him; otherwise, his brain can get confused about what's okay (going inside) versus not okay (pooping outside).
Show Them How To Use It
To teach your pet how to use the litter box, you have to show them where it is and how to use it. First, place their food and water bowls near the litter box so they can easily associate their potty spot with their food. Then, show them how to get in and out of the box. Once they're comfortable with this step, you can move on to teaching them about digging and covering up.
Finally, remember that training takes time! Don't be discouraged if your pet doesn't pick up on things immediately; keep trying until he does!
Be Consistent
The most important rule of litter training is to be consistent. If you want your pet to use the litter box, you must be sure they have access to it at all times. If the cat chooses between using their toilet and relieving themselves on your furniture, they will choose the latter. 
It may seem like an unimportant detail when you're dealing with something like this, but if your cat doesn't know where they can go when nature calls and instead has been told it's okay for them to pee in other places, then chances are pretty good that they're going to end up peeing all over the place! So how do we make sure our cats know where they can go? We need a few things:​
A clean litter box (you can buy special kinds designed for cats) and fresh litter pellets or crystals every day​
A location for said box—it should be easily accessible, so even older pets who might struggle with stairs still have no problem finding it on their own​
And the consistent placement of said box throughout any given room in which you wish them not only find but use regularly as well!
Reward Them
Once you have successfully trained your pet to use the litter box, reward them for their good behavior. Giving them a treat is a great way to let them know that they are doing well and it will encourage them to continue using the litter box. 
Sometimes just showing praise and affection is enough of a reward for them; however, if you want your cat to associate their potty training with something more exciting, then consider giving them a toy or game of fetch as a reward for going in their designated area. If you want something more luxurious like cuddles or snuggles, this can also be considered an appropriate reward for successfully using the litter box after training!
Use a Routine
There is no denying that your pet will benefit from a routine. Like you, they promptly need their daily food, water, and bathroom visits. If they don't get them on time, they can become anxious and even sick.
But having a routine isn't just about keeping your pet healthy — it can also help with litter training! When you keep to the same schedule for feeding, watering, and potty breaks every day (and night) of the week, it helps your pet learn what's expected of him — and makes his life much less stressful.
Final Word
Litter training your pets is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. By teaching your pets to use a litter box, you can rest assured that they will always have a place to go when they need to relieve themselves and that you won't have to worry about accidents on the carpet. It's also helpful because it allows them to go outside more often and explore more of their surroundings.
Not only does it make life easier for everyone involved, but it also gives you some time alone! This may sound silly, but cleaning up after your cat or dog daily can take quite a bit of time out of your day if you don't have help from someone else in the household or if no one else lives with you.
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