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10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Dog

16 Apr 2023
There are so many dogs in need of a loving home, it's hard not to want to take one home with you. But before you do, asking yourself some questions first is important. These questions will help ensure that you're ready to adopt a dog:
How much room do you have?
You’re going to need space and lots of it. Getting a dog isn't your best idea if you live in a small apartment or studio apartment. Dogs require a lot of attention, exercise, playtime, and plenty of room to move around.
If you already have a yard but don’t want to keep your dog outside all day long while you work or go out with friends, then there are other options available such as doggy daycare centers and boarding services at pet hotels that offer playtime alongside other dogs during the day.
Do you have a yard?
A yard is a great place for your dog to play, so consider if you can provide one. Dogs need more than just a run in the backyard—they need room to explore and exercise. If you don’t have space, it might not be the right time to get a dog.
If you do have a yard, consider how big it is and whether or not that’s enough space for your pup. A small yard will work well if your dog doesn't mind being cooped up inside all day; however, larger dogs may require more space in order for them to really live like they should (that means running around outside).
Is your home safe for a dog?
Before you get a dog, you should think about whether your home is safe for a dog. Is it big enough? Do you have enough time to spend with it? Do you live in an apartment that doesn't allow pets? If so, this could be a problem.
In some cases, these questions are easy to answer: if the only time people can walk their dogs is before or after work hours, then they're probably not getting enough exercise and attention (which leads to barking and destructive behavior). But if the animal has free range of the house during the day but gets shut outside at night and on weekends—or worse yet kept locked up all day while its owners are away at work—then there's another problem brewing here as well.
Can you afford to adopt a dog?
You may be thinking, “Of course I can afford a dog!” But adopting a dog is not free. You'll need to factor in the cost of food, treats and toys; veterinary visits; grooming; training classes; and all kinds of other expenses. If you have small children at home, consider how much it will cost for them to help take care of your new furry family member.
If you're adopting from a shelter or rescue organization, they'll probably provide some of this information for you—but it's still worth doing your own research about what else to expect in terms of costs associated with pet ownership before making that commitment.
Are there kids in your house?
When you have kids, the most important thing to consider is what kind of dog would be best for them. A small breed would be better if your children are young because they won't knock over furniture and have less energy. If the kids are older and the family has more time to spend with each other, getting a larger breed that can go on long walks or run around in the backyard may be helpful.
Another important aspect to consider when considering getting a dog with children is whether or not they will be able to take care of him while you're away at work or school every day. Kids often don't understand this responsibility until they reach certain ages (unless their parents teach them early), so make sure your child has enough maturity before adopting one!
Do you have time for a dog?
If you’re considering getting a dog, it’s important to consider how much time you can devote to it. While most breeds are relatively low-maintenance, they still need attention and affection daily. Some dogs will be happy spending most of their days outside in the yard, but others may want to be inside with their human family members. 
Depending on which type of dog you choose and if your lifestyle suits that breed well, some dogs may require more exercise than others. If your schedule is packed with work and family obligations, be sure not to get something that requires much attention.
Where are you going to take your dog for adventures?
Before getting one, you should consider what kind of adventures you can take your dog. For example, if you reside in an urban area and love walking around the neighborhood with your pet, you might want to find a big dog that would be happy walking alongside you. But if you’re more into hiking and running through trails, perhaps a smaller breed would make more sense for this activity.
What kind of dog would fit best in your home and lifestyle?
You should also consider what kind of dog would fit best in your home and lifestyle. For example, if you're living in a small apartment, you'll have less space than someone who lives in a house with a yard. 
If you have kids, it may be more difficult for them to take care of the dog if they're busy playing sports or participating in other extracurricular activities outside school. And if you work long hours at an office all day, having a dog might not be practical because he'd need to stay home alone during that time.
So before making the decision to adopt any pet—especially one that's going to be around your family 24/7—it's important that everyone involved understands what responsibilities are involved during each stage of its life cycle: puppyhood, adolescence; adulthood; old age.
Have you thought about what it means to own a dog for 10 or 12 years?
As a responsible dog owner, you should be prepared to care for your pup for the rest of their lives. That means feeding, walking and taking them to the vet. And it’s not cheap!
If you’re not prepared to spend thousands of rupees on dog food and supplies over the next decade or so, then maybe getting a dog is not right for you at this time in your life.
Can you commit to adopting a dog from a shelter and not buying from a store or breeder?
You should have a strong commitment to adopting a dog from a shelter. Dogs from shelters are often healthier, more likely to be well-behaved, and can save you money in the long run. If you're on the fence about adopting or buying, ask yourself what's important: are you looking for a new pet or just trying to find one that matches your lifestyle?
It's also important that any dog being considered as part of this question is spayed or neutered before being adopted by its owner (or even at the shelter). This will prevent any unwanted litter from popping up later down the line, which can cause all kinds of problems for owners and neighborhoods alike.
People often think getting a dog is just about picking out the cutest puppy in the store or at the shelter. But it's not! Lots of thought goes into adopting a new family member, and it's important to ensure you're ready for this big decision. There are lots of questions to ask yourself before taking on the responsibility of caring for an animal. We hope these 10 questions will help you decide whether or not adoption is right for your household. 
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